EOT Dry Unit
With it’s smart drying capability, the Denloc EOT Dry Unit is favoured by those who want to keep their end-of-trip facility or locker room free of damp or wet clothes and towels, and the associated smells. Its capability comes from its integrated air-circulation system design. This locker also features a hanging rail, anti-theft coat hanger and shoe rack, further adding to its appeal and usability.
Door: Polytec, Laminex or Formica laminate with matching ABS edge
Body and Kickbase: 16mm white HMR particle board with white ABS edge
Height 1900/2100 mm
Width 600/1200 mm
Depth 500 mm
Kick Base 100 mm
Door Height 1800/2000mm
Finish Colours
Door Hinge
Air ventCoat hangerShoe rackHanging rail